Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We got bonus back with Mark and baby boy...we had Christmas dinner with the Missionaries at the Gourley's house. We worked Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas but loved it. It is amazing the vacationers since the holidays began. I thought everyone went home for Christmas. We are as busy here at the PCC as a summer month. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you I didn't get to say hi to yet. We send our love and warm Aloha greetings.

Another great Visit ~ The Hanna's

We visited the Iolani Palace in Honolulu and had some great evenings with the cousins. It sure is nice to be able to have family. So glad you kids got out of a few snow storms and brightened up our time away.

Sweet friends we know here.....then Missionaries leave and we are sad to see them go.

Erin Apelu, Susan, front gate girl, John Muaina and daughter, Cristelle and Sister with her children, Ash who works in our office and models for Polyfoto shots with the girls, Cristelle, Bolo from Mongolia, Sonne from New Zealand, Colleen Earnshaw, Aushra and Katy, My boss Bobby Akoi who is Protocol Director of PCC,Chinpei from Japan, training the Burkharts and the Palmers to take Luau tickets, Kei and Apple from Fiji, the nebeker, Rieske and Naillon Farewell - sniff sniff, Vaughan and Tiffany Bowles

Thanksgiving visitors came ....YAY!

Hooray for Thanksgiving company

I loved going to the Temple Visitor's Center to show our angel girls our angel tree.

We found a Ross in Honolulu and checked it out.

Brandon fit right in with the locals in his church attire with his new Sulu.

Ava, Abby, and Olivia made an incredible Ginger Bread House. We had fun! We also had Alvin and Preetika Singh and the Jenica and Zack Taylor family with their 3 children join us for thanksgiving dinner at our house. It was a feast with JOY

The Day before Thanksgiving

Sherry Orgill called me and asked me to head up decorating a Christmas Tree at the Temple Visitor's Center. I called for recruits from the Stake and wondered if Gil and I would be doing it all alone but here came a host of little angels...Girls kept coming and we did a magnificent tree in an hour and a half. An angel tree. Every stake on the Island was asked to do a tree with a theme that reads the story of Jesus' birth in Luke 2. We also were just asked to do a Tuesday shift at the Laie Temple Visitor's Center once a month. We are very excited for the opportunity to serve there. Our first Tuesday is January 12th.

The Bunkers:
Mark and Shanna also went to Dole Pineapple for a tour and a little bit of beach.......even though she wasn't feeling so good.....We did Haunted Lagoon at the PCC till we were spent out but everyone else did too.